Full Opinions

Samsung Campaign – By Leo Burnett Switzerland

Advertising campaign of a series of 3 posters developed by the agency Leo Burnett Switzerland for the new Samsung NX mini camera, feauturing three great painters ( Fridah, Van Gogh and Albrecht Dürer ). Samsung-NX-Mini-Self-Portraits-1 This is what I call knowing how to use the popularity of a trend and turn it into something positive for the brand. I loved the idea of using these famous self-portraits and make the reinterpretation of how they were “taken”, instead of using only individuals and happy places like any other camera brand does. But I will not lie that I had already seen several memes of “the first selfie” on facebook … perhaps it was their inspiration. And what about the tag line: “For self-portraits Not selfies.” Mmhh not gurl not a selfie (insert finger snap). This is the way you take to the next level the action of taking an autopic (as we called it before the appearance of the selfie word), making it feel and look better to wash the minds of consumers and make them buy the product.. ups, sorry samsung if your sales go down after that.

But in conclusion, this is an excellent campaign, excellent idea and excellent execution, love the scene and atmosphere of the posters, is so real that you could actually believe the paints were made there.

But well.. at least this is my f opinion

 Samsung-NX-Mini-Self-Portraits-3 Samsung-NX-Mini-Self-Portraits-2real

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