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Les Sales Gosses – By Figure Studio

Visual identity for “Les Sales Gosses” ( “The Brats” in english for those who doesn’t now le french ) restaurant at Quebec, created by the Canadian studio Figure Studio.
83439a9a23b47a161b40bab453c530d8This is the way you make a fancy trashy branding, with the combination of two opposite concepts as elegance and rebellion shown in a clear way, without having to read a long explanation to understand the visual result.

It’s all about the contrast, black & white, serif & stencil, order & disorder …

My favorite part is the broken plate invitation (yes, it is the invitation, awesome, isn’t it? ), the ripped cards, in short, everything broken. This reminds me of the failed attempt of “Anagrama” (mexican studio) to incorporate this style in the branding of “Buddhafields”, which in my point of view did not need it … but hey we’re not talking about them, lets get back to the real thing.

Now the things i didn’t like.. number one: the black magic logo from the t-shirt, I mean, that is not rebel or elegant, it seems like a patch Chris Angel would use… and number two:  the webpage, i know is simple and stylish, but putting a picture of the card doesn’t reflect all the concept of the brand.

But well.. at least this is my f opinion.

d0137167d3b71c590eca522832115ae3b24abf5c79bf59e304d6d2536b4c0867anagramavsfigure5e20c9ab5bb53300eab810158de0560bLes Sales Gosses Posters6fcd64940d78e512ee7113bb36b556da 9639f6ddc81584b0c8f8b3f486602b72

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